Thursday, 1 March 2012

The Gangley Man

Soooo onto creative things, enough about other such mental notes....

THE GANGLEY MAN!!! ive nicknamed this work of air dry clay with this title... He is a polystyrene egg coated in clay and then the features moulded on top!
 As you can clearly see however, i forgot that clay contracts whilst drying (oops moment) and so hes cracked, right through his nose, and other facial features - fortunately though hes cracked around, not through his ears. Which is nice because it means i dont have to worry about half of it falling off, if it goes it'll be in one piece! (hopefully)

His hands are made of wire and clay wrapped round it, as this is the only way i could think to do them.

 And here are his feet!!! i think this shape of feet is really good fun!

the thing thats next to do is work out what im going to do as his body, and then attempt to make him into an actual complete person shaped thing... not just a selection of extremities floating in the ether.  Since the air dry clay is a bit fragile and stuff, i've also decided to treat this as a test run and then make it again in oven bake fimo clay stuff... because its a bit more robust and all that jazz (its also the first excuse to steal the oven in the name of art since those shrinkies plastic things i used to use as a kid! - well, 6 months ago)

1 comment:

  1. I remember those shrinking plastic things, they were good fun in the oven... might be worth experimenting with them again but with purpose and some pens that wont rub off quite so easily...
