Sunday, 26 February 2012

Its been a while!

So, having been a large chunk of a year since ive looked at the old blog, its time for an update!!!

having looked at the random drivvel that i've written, removed the posts about soup (really duncan???) and generally taken a trip back to last year, its time to update and continue (note to self.... ACTUALLY DO THIS THING!)

So, in the space since my last post lots has happened
Graduated from my FdA - 2.1 - thanks very much!!!
Got work placement at my old school learning about teaching- amazing fun, learning loads but generally making it up as i go along
Started making lots of exciting stuff, Working on a wedding (SOOOO loving that! - not making the dress any more though - but i was asked!!!)

Will update with photos later, currently stealing a friends interwebs in a desperate attempt at procrastination... check her out though, shes just joined up and become a blogger!!! -

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